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    (a poem from my upcoming collection of poetry — not sure exactly when it will be available for preorder but i’ll keep you updated!) breathe through me a new daya dawn of things to comethat i know notnor do youbut in feelingbelieving an image of thoughtof understanding in the passage… Read More »fujin


      candles shatterthe momentary silenceof my self-reflectionand wake meto the press of a reset buttonon another year in my lifeas i shelter from the stormof the outside worldpressing in on my secondsof dreamsnot yet turned to truth or lies i starethrough the glass of a window on memoriesno more solidthan the… Read More »departure

      a life at the board

        what once was blackyou turned to whitewith each stroke of chalkleaving its marknot simply on vertical surfacesdepicting curvesand anglesbut the brightness of understanding on mindsclouded with reflections of childhoodand the silliness of the moment the past retreatedinto modern whiteboards calling to youto turn those white linesinto colorsmyriad and brightwhose new… Read More »a life at the board