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[estimated reading time < 1 minute]

(a poem from my upcoming collection of poetry — not sure exactly when it will be available for preorder but i’ll keep you updated!)

breathe through me a new day
a dawn of things to come
that i know not
nor do you
but in feeling
believing an image of thought
of understanding in the passage of time
walk in me
talk through my actions
let me choose in depth
to inhale abandon
of all my fear
and expectations
my passions and lusts
and exhale acceptance
of the gratitude for myself
that you have taught me

consume the fires of my heart
believing in me
the opening of mind
so i speak with the flames of self
wrapped in the winds of your
playful compassion
derived within the papered sheets
of unwritten short stories
the brokenness within
melding the disparate realities of my moments
with the ubiquity of hate
to form new happinesses
giving morning light to the darkness of unbridling trolls
casting unshadowed warmth between my footsteps

taste new scents on the breeze
beyond my senses but within my memories
that i act on
swallowing words whole
lyrics not simply of love but action
holding friends from falling
whether before the vast gusts of time
or the failure of inaction
in the face of the enemy of all

feel in me the doubt that revives
not simply acceptance
but the truth of equality
as i hold those
who trespass against you
and take them not to task
but embracing a change inaction never prescribes
accept me with each breath
and teach me empathy
beyond mere hands wrapped around shoulders
a sisterhood of yogic compassion