


Let’s speak for a moment about hate. You may think that this is not a problem but I assure you that, more than anything else, this will be the force that destroys humanity. Climate destruction is a massive issue. But I believe we will not make it far enough into the future for it to actually cause our extinction as we will get there first out of our indulgence for…


In faith

I am in no uncertain terms a Buddhist. I believe that the path to enlightenment is not one of faith but of understanding, that the peace within us is the peace that we must live into the world. I see the proper reaction to aggression not to submit nor to fight but to remain still and silent. I believe that the answer to force is to ignore it regardless of…

Stones of Sadness

Stones of Sadness

I kneel on stone that feels like ice under my legs but that may in fact be melting my skin for all the awareness I have of my surroundings. It’s unlikely that it’s warm in the slightest, this being March in England. I’m simply amazed that it’s dry, as it’s been raining with only brief pauses for what I imagine is two weeks, although I would certainly swear to the…


They tell me people are good but you know that’s simply ridiculous. People are so terrifyingly evil and we know it and we still pretend that there is some redeeming spark within them that we should dig through layers of filth to discover and polish with effort and present to them as a gift of honor. But if it’s not obvious how good someone is, I ask you why would…

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thank you for reading. your eyes have done me a great honor today.