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blue and white and screens?

    we pretend the truth will set us free but it won’t. it’s not a gen-z thing. we’ve never cared about truth as humans. we only ever really cared about what we could get away with or what was socially acceptable. and we like to think that, even when we didn’t… Read More »blue and white and screens?

    divided nations

      it has apparently surprised many people that the united nations has blatantly showed itself to be a poorly-executed joke of global proportions. this has unfortunately been the case since its predecessor’s inception. the league of nations was a failure for three basic reasons. it was premised on the idea that… Read More »divided nations

      western christianity?

        let’s start with some belief basics here. given what season it is, santa. this is a fictional character based on a real-life “dude” for lack of a better word who traveled around giving gifts to people to celebrate happiness and thankfulness, especially children. he was loved and made them feel… Read More »western christianity?

        getting off the spectrum

          it’s time we started thinking, talking and understanding differently the concept we have called autism for far too long. it has been talked about as a disease, a neurological difference, a spectrum and a gift. but it is none of those things and the name itself is both misleading and… Read More »getting off the spectrum


            as usualbeauty eludes me completelyyet i taste itat the edge of my consciousnessand dream i am drinking itthough whether wine or hemlocki am still unsurewith its bittersweet pricklesagainst my skinand caressing tendernessi suspect is the preludeto proclamations of desirei will never return you walk on streetspopulated by menseeming as treesbut… Read More »beauty

            democracy has failed us

              democracy doesn’t work. it never has and it is painfully incapable of functioning in a way that leads to a good society. perhaps a better one than other possibilities, at times. but not a good one because good from a moral and ethical standpoint is starkly opposed to collective desire… Read More »democracy has failed us