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the robots are coming

    one of the most frequent questions in woodworking in the modern era is “should i get a cnc?”. the answer, as with everything in contemporary crafts, comes down to personal perspectives. if you’re a recreational woodworker not looking for serious production capacity, the answer is likely going to be no.… Read More »the robots are coming

    sticky and stressful

      there are many sticky situations in life, stressful times like starting a new job or meeting your partner’s parents for the first time. undergoing surgery or starting a new drug that could fix a major problem with your body but might send you to hospital with the sideeffects. know what’s… Read More »sticky and stressful

      the disunited saws of america

        i have often discussed the difference between western saws and their eastern counterparts for people interested in potentially adding them to their collections — or for those starting and likely to discover the eastern ones are often easier to learn, more efficient and vastly more economical. this, however, has left… Read More »the disunited saws of america

        chemical desire

          one of the greatest debates in biology is what is “natural” for an animal or plant. the simple answer is that natural things are genetically-determined while other things are environmental — reactions to experience. for example, if a tree grows one ring per year, this is written in its genetic… Read More »chemical desire

          secret dovetails?

            i’ve been on a bit of a trend of beginner woodworking articles lately so i wanted to tackle something a little more involved — sliding dovetail battons and table glueups. this is something that’s extremely popular, especially with students looking to go beyond their basic projects to make something truly… Read More »secret dovetails?