
unseasonal joinery

unseasonal joinery

it’s fall. there are campfires in the air and leaves make it so difficult to walk without falling i’ve mostly taken to getting my exercise in the middle of the street. the season of foreboding is here — in the northern hemisphere, it’s about to get so cold those who possess external reproductive parts will suddenly find them solidified by temperature when they venture outside and we will all truly…


fallen reaching for the dawn i suddenly collapseas i feel the carpet pulled from below my feetan unexpected noise woke me yet i imagined myself safeonly to search for balance and find nothing but fresh bruisesmy limbs ripped from their sockets while i lay dazedyet my life somehow extends as i am torn to nothing more than slices of myselfonly alive at the edges though soon to become rived from…

living in the garden

living in the garden

when i was a child, i spent a lot of time in a town whose name struck me as odd — paradise. even at the time, i understood this was something like wishful-thinking. it was canada so we’re talking about a frozen wasteland much of the year where staying inside isn’t a choice as much as a necessity to avoid suicide-by-frostbite. but in the summer it was stunningly-beautiful in ways…

tickling the shogun’s tongue

tickling the shogun’s tongue

when you think of japanese poetry, i suspect the first thing that comes to mind is the haiku — a surprisingly-modern invention in a country with more than a thousand years of formal poetic history. that being said, the haiku and its extended version, the renga, are probably the most inherently-japanese of poetic forms. they are, however, extremely poorly-understood in the west. let’s take a look at some of the…

deeper within language

deeper within language

the difference between art and craft is not form but purpose. art has a single reason to exist, to convey emotion, typically through a search for beauty and meaning. craft has a different one, to be functionally useful in the moment. while much art effectively tells a story and craft is often overwhelmingly beautiful, art only needs to stimulate feeling to be worthwhile and craft can simply give you a…

thirty-two days of creativity

thirty-two days of creativity

we’re in the middle of october and it’s fall. it’s miserable and dark and the nights are closing in on us. it’s time to huddle under a blanket and turn up the heat, grab a cup of hot tea and snuggle with your favorite book. or you could just say fuck the depression and create something. yes. let’s do that. and let’s do it together because there’s no reason we…

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