
Day 19

Day 19

When did you pretend not to care? Every day, I pretend not to care. I have tried many ways to express this — I am not male, I am not masculine, I don’t think like a man. But I look like one. At least, to me, I look like one and often sound like one, too, as my voice is rather deeper than I would prefer it to be. That’s…

Day 18

Day 18

Tell me about silence. Silence is what happens when you express your love for yourself. I am happiest when it is silent. That’s when I can breathe, when I can think, when I can be happy alone. I live in an apartment. While that’s a fairly common thing to do, it’s not by choice — it’s not that I don’t want to live in an apartment but that I don’t…

Attack of the Hearts

Attack of the Hearts

It’s Valentine’s Day. If that’s not a concept you’re familiar with, let’s summarize it for you. The name comes from a Christian saint that nobody really cares about in the least because, realistically, he didn’t do anything worth talking about and is filling out the already-massive named saints list that is mostly populated with questionable figures who shouldn’t have qualified for an acknowledgement by their high school principal, much less…

A Question of Motive

A Question of Motive

I have received a fairly large amount of odd comments of late on my blog posts. Some of them have been positive, which is always pleasing to see, yet a few have been intensely critical and intentionally hurtful. I really just have one question — why would anyone be so interested in what I write here that they would take the time to read something they don’t get any enjoyment…

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