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[estimated reading time < 1 minute]

I am simplifying many things in my life and as the internet is an analogue of life, I am in the process of moving my online writings, my publications, my writing tutorials, and everything else that I have created, gradually but progressively to this space.

If what you are seeking is an update on my latest novel, Unaccompanied Minor, there is no release date scheduled yet but it should be available for preorder around Christmas and show up either digitally or physically some time in the spring.

If you’re looking for updates on writing tutorials, samples, starters and ideas, or downloadable teaching documents, those should all be moved over here by the end of the year but you’ll start seeing both old and new ones pop up in the next few weeks.

If you’re looking for information about me, you can read the about me section or, perhaps more fruitfully, any of my writing, as everything we write is at least a little bit autobiographical.

Thanks, dear reader. You are, indeed, a star.