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homelearninghistorysample questionsunit 9 – imperfect peace (1989-today)

unit 9 – imperfect peace (1989-today)

this section covers from the fall of the berlin wall to today.

  1. [1989-1997] what is the significance at the time and today of the first liberian civil war?
  2. [1989-1990] discuss the american invasion of panama including the question of its portrayal in the media at home and in panama.
  3. [~1943-2013] who was nelson mandela? discuss the impact of his life, imprisonment and release.
  4. [1990] what was the impact on history of the launch of the hubble space telescope? is this different from its popular culture significance?
  5. [1990] discuss the causes, timeline and aftereffects of german reunification. what is its lasting impact on politics, economics and society in europe?
  6. [1990-] does german reunification increase or decrease the risk of war in europe or elsewhere? give specific examples to justify your position.
  7. [1990] who was tim berners-lee? discuss the rise of the web and its lasting impact from then to today.
  8. [~1962-] who was aung san suu kyi? discuss the ongoing situation in myanmar from a historical perspective with particular reference to shifting political factions.
  9. [~1990-2000] what is the historical significance of the standardization of personal computers on microsoft windows in the 1990s?
  10. [1991-2002] discuss the impact of the sierra leone civil war both within the country and elsewhere.
  11. [1991] what was operation solomon? discuss its impact and significance from a historical perspective and compare it to another similar event in history.
  12. [1991-2001] explore the timeline and aftereffects of the yugoslav wars.
  13. [1991] what is the historical significance of the development of linux and rise of open-source software?
  14. [1991] discuss the madrid conference? why did it fail?
  15. [1988-1991] plot the timeline of the breakup of the soviet union and follow one of the new independent republics through history to today.
  16. [1991] what were/are the aftereffects of the sino-soviet border agreement?
  17. [1992] discuss the maastricht treaty and its lasting impact on europe and outside the continent.
  18. [1992-1995] explore the significance and lasting impact of the bosnian war.
  19. [1992] discuss the los angeles riots and their impact on popular culture from then to today.
  20. [1992] what is the historical significance of the discovery of exoplanets? is this different from its popular culture importance?
  21. [1993] discuss the velvet divorce.
  22. [1993] what is the lasting significance of the waco siege from both a historical and popular culture perspective?
  23. [1961-1993] what is the importance of eritrean independence to the rest of africa?
  24. [1993] did the release of schindler’s list impact the level of awareness of the holocaust in a significant way?
  25. [1994] explore the creation of nafta and its lasting historical impact.
  26. [1994] who were juvénal habyarimana and cyprien ntaryamira? discuss the rwandan genocide. why was it allowed to continue despite it being obvious to the rest of the world?
  27. [1948-1994] explore the history of apartheid with specific examples.
  28. [1994] discuss the timeline and lasting impact of the first yemeni civil war.
  29. [1994] was the transition from kim il-sung to kim jong-il historically significant?
  30. [1994-2009] discuss the chechen wars and their impact on world history.
  31. [1994-2003] what is the historical significance of the three gorges dam project?
  32. [1995] what is the world trade organization? discuss its creation and lasting impact from a historical perspective with specific examples.
  33. [1995] what is the historical significance of the great hanshin earthquake?
  34. [1995] discuss the tokyo subway sarin attack. what is its lasting impact on culture and politics?
  35. [1995] discuss the historical significance of the srebrenica massacre.
  36. [1995] who was yitzhak rabin? what impact did his assassination have on the world? is he still relevant to the israeli-palestinian situation today?
  37. [1995] discuss the dayton accords.
  38. [1996] how was australia impacted by the port arthur massacre? was it historically significant outside the country?
  39. [1994] who is the taliban? explore its history using specific examples from its creation to today.
  40. [1977-] what is the lasting historical impact of the popularity of harry potter or star wars?
  41. [1997] is the transition from british to chinese control of hong kong historically significant? trace its progression from the handover to today and its impact on politics, economics and culture.
  42. [2001] who was osama bin laden. what was his impact on history? is he still significant today?
  43. [1998-1999] discuss the good friday agreement and its significance both in ireland and elsewhere.
  44. [1998-] discuss the historical significance of google from its founding to today .
  45. [1994-1998] explore the timeline and impact of the north korean famine.
  46. [2006] discuss the historical significance of the east timor crisis.
  47. [1999] why is the adoption of the euro as common currency historically significant?
  48. * [2012-] who is vladimir putin? discuss his rise to power and lasting impact on russia and the world.
  49. [2000] what was the y2k problem? was its hype justified?
  50. [2000] discuss the significance and lasting historical importance of the first inter-korean summit.
  51. [2000-] who was bashar al-assad? discuss the timeline of his presidency from a historical perspective.
  52. [2000] explore the timeline and lasting impact of the second intifada.
  53. [1989-2006] who was slobodan milošević? what is the historical significance of his presidency?
  54. [1998-] what is the lasting historical significance of the creation of the international space station?
  55. * [2001] discuss the significance from then to today of the 9/11 attacks.
  56. [2001] what is the historical significance of the ipod?
  57. [1998-2002] was the creation of the international criminal court historically significant?
  58. [1999] discuss the foundation of the african union.
  59. [2002] discuss the impact of the bali bombings.
  60. [2002-2004] discuss the causes and lasting significance of the 2002-2004 sars outbreak. what lessons were learned? were these lessons remembered during the next outbreak?
  61. [2002] what was operation defensive shield? discuss its historical significance.
  62. [1991-2002] discuss the historical significance of the algerian civil war.
  63. [2002-2012] discuss the politics and personality of hu jintao. what made him a different type of chinese leader? why has someone like him not been repeated as general secretary since?
  64. [2003] what is the historical significance of the columbia disaster?
  65. * [1979-2003] who was saddam hussein? discuss his impact on world history.
  66. [2003] what was the rose revolution? discuss its lasting significance in georgia and elsewhere.
  67. [2003-] explore the impact of the war in darfur.
  68. [1990-2003] what is the historical significance of the human genome project?
  69. [2004-] trace the impact on history and culture of facebook from its foundation to today.
  70. [2004] discuss the madrid train bombings.
  71. [2004] discuss the beslan school siege and its lasting impact on russian-chechen relations.
  72. [~1969-2004] who was yasser arafat? discuss his life and historical significance.
  73. [2004-2005] what was the orange revolution? plot its timeline and discuss its aftereffects.
  74. [2005] explore the lasting impact on world history of the valentine’s day bombings.
  75. [2005] what was the historical significance of the cedar revolution?
  76. [1997-2020] discuss the kyoto protocol. has it had any impact on history?
  77. [2005] what was the importance of the tulip revolution outside kyrgyzstan?
  78. [2005] discuss the historical significance of the maharashtra floods.
  79. [2005-2013] who is mahmoud ahmadinejad? discuss his rise to power and lasting historical significance both in terms of politics and popular culture within iran and elsewhere.
  80. [2005] what is the historical and popular culture significance of hurricane katrina?
  81. [1969-2005] explore the history of the provisional irish republican army from its creation to today.
  82. [2005] discuss the historical and cultural significance of youtube.
  83. [2006] explore the leadup to, timeline and historical significance of the lebanon war.
  84. [2006] is the definition of a planet (and the exclusion of pluto from the accepted list) historically significant? what is its impact on popular culture?
  85. [2007] discuss the historical importance of the iphone and the ubiquity of smartphones in the decades following its launch.
  86. * [2009-2017] who is barack obama? what is the historical significance of being the first black president of the united states? was the populist reaction leading to his successor predictable?
  87. [2008-2009] discuss the gaza war from the perspective of politics, popular culture, societal conflict, daily life or racism.
  88. [1983-2009] explore the lasting significance of the sri lankan civil war.
  89. [2009] trace the timeline before, during and after the boko haram rebellion.
  90. [2010] discuss using specific examples the impact of the colombia-venezuela diplomatic crisis.
  91. [2010] what is the historical significance of the bombardment of yeonpyeong?
  92. [2010-2012] discuss the arab spring from one specific perspective (culture, popular culture, daily life, politics, economics, military, racism, gender, terrorism, violence).
  93. [2011] what is the historical significance of the combined fukushima disaster? is it still relevant today?
  94. * [2011] explore the causes and lasting impacts of the syrian civil war.
  95. [2011-2012] discuss the occupy movement.
  96. [2012-] who is xi jinping? discuss his rise to power and the shift in politics resulting from his leadership. trace the historical importance of his leadership from then to today.
  97. [2013] is the discovery of the higgs boson historically significant? justify your answer with historical precedents from at least two different time periods.
  98. [2013] who was mohamed morsi? what is the historical impact of the coup d’état that deposed him?
  99. [2013] compare the terrorist attacks at the boston marathon and the westgate mall in nairobi.
  100. [2013] who is edward snowden? discuss the impact of the documents he released to the public. are they historically significant?
  101. [2013] explore the causes and aftereffects of the lahad datu standoff.
  102. [2013] discuss the guang da xing 28 incident from the perspective of historical significance.
  103. [2014] what is the historical significance of the ebola outbreak? discuss the world reaction and how this would have been different in a western country, giving historical justification for your position.
  104. [2014] discuss the impact of the tehrik-i-taliban pakistan massacre.
  105. [2014-] explore the timeline of isis and discuss its historical significance from its creation to today.
  106. [2014-] who is narendra modi? what is different about his approach to government? discuss its historical significance.
  107. [2015] discuss the 2015 united nations climate change conference. was it historically significant or simply a publicity stunt?
  108. [1980-2015] explore the timeline and aftereffects of the one-child policy in china.
  109. [2016] what is the historical significance of the discovery of gravitational waves?
  110. [2016-2020] discuss the timeline and potential long-term historical impact of brexit. does this signify the end of british relevance in the world or is this the result of centuries of decline?
  111. [1910-2016] who was mother theresa? discuss her life from the perspective of historical significance and cultural importance.
  112. [2015] discuss the paris agreement. is it relevant, historically-significant or hype?
  113. [2017-2021] who is donald trump? discuss his election and presidency using specific examples.
  114. [1992-2016] who was radovan karadžić? discuss his life, trial and conviction from the perspective of history and popular culture impact.
  115. [2017] discuss the 2017 women’s march.
  116. [~2015-] what is the historical significance of the removal of confederate statues in the united states?
  117. [2017] discuss the mogadishu terrorist bombings and their historical impact.
  118. [2016-] explore the timeline and historical significance of the rohingya genocide.
  119. [~2000-] explore the rise of populism in france and the united states, giving specific examples for comparison. make predictions for its outcome in both countries and justify using historical precedent.
  120. * [2018] is the decision to allow women to drive in saudi arabia historically-significant?
  121. [2018] what is the significance of the chang’e 4 mission? is it scientifically-important or a publicity exercise?
  122. [2019] discuss the difference in western public response to the notre dame cathedral fire and humanitarian crises at the time outside the developed world.
  123. [2019] what is the historical significance of the citizenship act in india?
  124. * [2003-] who is greta thurnberg? discuss her historical importance.
  125. [2020-] explore the historical significance of the covid-19 pandemic from one specific perspective.
  126. [2020-] discuss the chinese response to the novel coronavirus.
  127. [2021] what is the historical significance of the attack on the united states capitol?
  128. [2021] is there any potential historical significance to the glasgow climate pact?
  129. [2022] what is the historical significance of the canadian anti-public-safety riots?
  130. * [2014-] discuss the historical precedent and potential impact of russian aggression and its invasion of ukraine.