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homelearninghistorysample questionsunit 8 – nuclear age (1945-1989)

unit 8 – nuclear age (1945-1989)

this section covers from the end of world war ii to the fall of the berlin wall.

  1. [1946] discuss the nuremberg trials focusing on one individual, their past and the results of their trial.
  2. [1946-1954] examine the timeline and lasting impact of the first indochina war.
  3. [1946] what was the significance of the earth being photographed from space for the first time?
  4. [1947-1948] examine the truman doctrine with specific examples from at least two different countries in addition to the united states.
  5. [1947] discuss the independence of india and pakistan using specific examples and detail the timeline from then to today, focusing on one particular aspect of history (economy, military, politics, society, culture, gender, race, nationalism, etc).
  6. [1948] discuss the significance of the assassination of mahatma ghandi.
  7. [1948] what was/is the lasting impact of the marshall plan?
  8. [1948] discuss the significance at the time and the lasting impact to today of the creation of the world health organization.
  9. * [1948-1949] discuss the impact and legacy of the arab-israeli war.
  10. [1948-1949] examine the timeline of the berlin blockade and its aftereffects.
  11. [1949] explore the lasting impact of the creation of nato.
  12. [1955] discuss the events leading to and resulting from the founding of the warsaw pact.
  13. * [1949] discuss the creation of the people’s republic of china from the perspective of social, cultural or political history.
  14. [1949] what was the significance of the development of nuclear weapons by soviet union?
  15. [1950-1953] explore the impact of the korean war from one specific perspective (culture, society, economics, politics, etc).
  16. [1950] examine the impact of the turing test on history and popular culture from its creation to today.
  17. [1951] discuss the treaty of san francisco and its cultural and political aftereffects.
  18. [1952] who was gamal abdel nasser? discuss the egyptian revolution and its impact on international relations at the time.
  19. [1952-1960] trace the trajectory leading to and resulting from the mau mau uprising.
  20. [1953] what was the impact of the death of joseph stalin? how is he remembered both in russia and in the rest of the world today?
  21. [~1950] explore the significance of rock and roll to american culture and its lasting historical impact.
  22. [1954-1962] discuss the significance of the algerian war and its impact on france in the decades that followed.
  23. [1955] what is the lasting impact of the bandung conference? what did it foreshadow for africa?
  24. [1953-1964] who was nikita khrushchev? discuss his role in the significant changes occurring in the soviet union after the death of stalin.
  25. [1956] discuss the suez crisis and its lasting impact on history.
  26. [1957] explore the timeline leading from the treaty of rome to the founding of the european union and its lasting significance from then to today.
  27. [1957] discuss the launch of sputnik 1 and the “space race” that resulted.
  28. [~1960] what is the historical and sociocultural significance of the oral contraceptive pill?
  29. [1957] discuss in detail the the campaign for nuclear disarmament.
  30. [1953-1965] explore the events leading to and resulting from the cuban revolution. how has this event been portrayed in popular american culture? is it still significant today?
  31. [1959] discuss the exile of the dalai lama.
  32. [1955-1975] discuss the vietnam war from a specific historical perspective (politics, equality, gender, draft, sexuality, drugs, cold war, economics, nationalism, etc).
  33. [1959-1961] discuss the great chinese famine and its lasting impact on chinese culture and politics.
  34. [~1959] what are the historical significance and ongoing impact of the aids pandemic?
  35. * [1963] explore the importance to world history of the assassination of president john kennedy.
  36. [1961-1989] what is the significance of the berlin wall. plot its impact on one aspect of life (equality, gender, work, economics, politics) from its building to its destruction.
  37. [1958-1962] discuss the great leap forward, its motives, results and lasting significance to chinese culture.
  38. [1962] why is the cuban missile crisis significant? was it more than two men playing chicken risking their countries unnecessarily?
  39. [1964] explore the creation of the civil rights act and its impact on politics, culture and daily life following its passage.
  40. [1965] who was malcolm x? what is the lasting impact of his death?
  41. [1960-1965] who was joseph mobutu? discuss the congo crisis and its aftermath.
  42. [1967] what was the summer of love? discuss its significance from then to today.
  43. * [1967] explore the timeline before, during and after the six-day war and its aftereffects for the region.
  44. [1968] discuss the prague spring and its results.
  45. [1968] what was/is the significance of the tet offensive?
  46. * [~1968] who was dr martin luther king jr? discuss his significance with specific examples and explore his lasting importance from his time to today.
  47. * [~1968-1998] what were the irish troubles?
  48. [1969] explore the causes and lasting impacts of the stonewall riots.
  49. [1969] discuss the lasting cultural significance of the woodstock festival.
  50. [1970-1971] discuss the importance of black september.
  51. [1971-] examine specific examples of the significance of greenpeace to world history.
  52. [1972] discuss the munich massacre and its aftereffects.
  53. [1973] plot the trajectory leading to and resulting from the yom kippur war.
  54. [1967-1975] discuss the cambodian civil war and its aftermath with specific examples.
  55. [1975] examine in detail the fall of saigon.
  56. [1976] what was the immediate and lasting aftereffect of the death of mao zedong?
  57. [1979-1989] what is the significance of the soviet-afghan war? did the war ever end or is it still ongoing today?
  58. [1979] discuss the iranian revolution and its lasting impact from then to today.
  59. [1981] what is the historical and cultural significance today of the release of the ibm personal computer?
  60. [1982] discuss the hama massacre and what it foreshadowed in syria.
  61. [1983] was the creation and sale of the nintendo entertainment system historically significant?
  62. [1981-1983] discuss the lasting historical, societal and cultural significance of dna matching.
  63. [1987-1993] what was the first intifada? discuss its impact from then to today.
  64. [1986-1991] discuss the concepts of glasnost and perestroika and how they were applied. are these ideas still significant today?
  65. [1980-1988] what is the significance of the iran-iraq war?
  66. * [1989] discuss the student uprising in tiananmen square.
  67. [1989] discuss the fall of the berlin wall from one specific perspective (culture, economy, politics, military, nationalism, populism, etc).