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homelearninghistorysample questionsunit 7 – modern war (1894-1945)

unit 7 – modern war (1894-1945)

this section covers from the first sino-japanese war and world war i to the end of world war ii.

  1. [1894-1895] explore the timeline of the first sino-japanese war using specific examples.
  2. [1894-1946] to what extent is the first sino-japanese war the beginning of the world wars?
  3. [1894-1897] plot the timeline leading to and resulting from the hamidian massacres. what is the lasting impact of this on muslim-christian relations today?
  4. [1895-] discuss the shifting control of taiwan from the late-nineteenth century to today.
  5. [1895] who was wilhelm röntgen? discuss the lasting significance of the discovery of x-rays on history, science and culture from then to today.
  6. [1896] discuss the revival of the olympic games and explore its controversial history in terms of gender, race, sexuality, nationalism, populism and health from then to today.
  7. [1895-1898] explore the timeline and aftermath of the cuban war of independence.
  8. [1896-1899] discuss the klondike gold rush. how did it differ from the discovery of gold in california a half-century earlier?
  9. [1896] who were marie curie and henri becquerel? discuss the impact of radioactivity on science and history from then to today and examine its popular cultural perception compared to its historical and scientific reality.
  10. [1898] what was the aftereffect of the spanish-american war? how have those changed in the time since then?
  11. [1898] discuss the hundred days’ reform in china and its aftermath.
  12. [1899-1901] trace the timeline leading to and resulting from the boxer rebellion. what is its lasting impact on chinese and taiwanese culture?
  13. [1899-1902] what were the causes and lasting impacts from then to now of the colombian thousand-days’ war?
  14. [1901] who was guglielmo marconi? what was the significance of wireless telegraphy in the early-twentieth century? why was this important when there was already telegraph cable from europe to north america?
  15. [1901] trace the evolution of the nobel prizes from their inception to today giving specific examples and highlighting a viewpoint in terms of their comments on science, arts, culture, history, race, gender, violence, peace or nationalism.
  16. [1903] what is the significance of the independence of panama? to what degree was it actually independent? how has this shifted since that time?
  17. [1903] who were the wright brothers? discuss the progression from the first powered flight to today and trace the significant milestones in public and military aviation to describe a specific viewpoint on its contribution to human progress.
  18. [1904-1905] evaluate the causes, timeline and aftereffects of the russo-japanese war.
  19. [1904] what was the entente cordiale? what is its lasting impact on europe?
  20. [1904-1914] discuss the creation and life of the panama canal from its conception through its construction to today.
  21. [1891-1916] evaluate the impact on russia, asia and the world in general of the trans-siberian railway from its construction to today.
  22. [1905] discuss the (1905) russian revolution.
  23. [1905-1915] who was albert einstein? what was the impact of the theory of special relativity? did this change with the publication of general relativity?
  24. [~1914] what was the schlieffen plan? discuss its impact on history at the time and in the decade that followed.
  25. [1906] discuss the formation of the muslim league.
  26. [1907] what was the significance of the finnish parliamentary election of 1907?
  27. [1907] discuss the 1907 treaty between japan and korea.
  28. [1908] explore the timeline and aftereffects of the young turk revolution.
  29. [1908] what is the bosnian crisis? discuss its impact on europe then and its lasting significance from then to today.
  30. [1908] why is the ford model t seen as a shift in modern manufacturing? what is its lasting impact?
  31. [1908-1912] discuss the importance of emperor pu yi.
  32. [~1920-] explore the history of commercial and public radio from its inception to today. is it still relevant in the developed world?
  33. [1910] what is the significance of the annexation of korea? how did this foreshadow later events in the century?
  34. [1911] what were the aftereffects of the triangle shirtwaist factory fire in new york city?
  35. [1911] discuss the agadir crisis and its impacts on both europe and africa from then to today.
  36. [1911] examine the timeline of the xinhai revolution and the overthrow of the qing from the perspective of politics, culture, art, populism, military or globalism.
  37. [1911] who was ernest rutherford? what is the significance to history of the discovery of the atomic nucleus?
  38. [1912] discuss the formation of the african national congress. trace its significance from then to today.
  39. [1912] explore the sinking of the titanic from a historical perspective and discuss its lasting impact on travel and popular culture.
  40. [1912] what is the significance for asia of the shift from meiji to taisho?
  41. [1919] discuss the formation of the kuomintang and its lasting impact on chinese history.
  42. [~1920] who was niels bohr? what was his lasting contribution to science and history in general?
  43. [1914] who was archduke franz ferdinand? in what way was his assassination used as excuse for war?
  44. [1914] discuss the first battle of the marne in terms of its difference from previous warfare.
  45. [1915] explore the significance of the use of poison gas at ypres. comparatively explore the battles of bolimów and loos from the same perspective.
  46. [1915] explore the timeline and lasting impact of the armenian genocide.
  47. [1915] what was the result of the sinking of the lusitania?
  48. [1898-1934] discuss the banana wars and their lasting impact on american foreign policy from then to today.
  49. [1915-1916] discuss the timeline and aftereffects of the gallipoli campaign.
  50. [1916] explore the battle of verdun and comment on its lessons for humanity. give examples of other times in history since then that these lessons have been ignored.
  51. [1916] what was the easter rising? what are its lasting impacts for europe?
  52. [1916] discuss the use of tanks at the battle of the somme and what difference this made for warfare in later decades.
  53. [1917-1923] discuss a single aspect of the russian revolution in detail (politics, populism, communism, socialism, culture, resistance, revolution, art, international relations, law).
  54. [1917] what was the lasting impact on history, politics and popular culture of the pulitzer prize? give specific examples from at least three separate time periods and/or locations.
  55. [1917] discuss the controversy surrounding the battle of passchendaele.
  56. [1917] what is the lasting significance to popular culture and history of the foundation of the national hockey league?
  57. [1918] explore the timeline and lasting importance of the finnish civil war.
  58. [1918] explore the lessons and potential future impact of the spanish flu pandemic. why were these lessons ignored in later outbreaks?
  59. [1918-1919] discuss the hundred-days’ offensive and the fall of germany using specific examples.
  60. [1919] explore the details and aftereffects of the november 11 armistice.
  61. [1919-1922] discuss the lasting impact of british occupation of palestine.
  62. [1919] trace the timeline leading to and results of the jallianwala bagh massacre.
  63. [1919] what was the lasting impact of the treaty of versailles?
  64. [1919] did the first world war actually end or was it simply put on hold to build up reinforcements on both sides?
  65. [1920-1946] discuss the league of nations. why was it a failure from the beginning?
  66. [1920-1933] discuss prohibition using specific examples of its impacts on economics, politics, crime and popular culture.
  67. [~1915-1947] who was mahatma ghandi? discuss non-violent protest in india and its lasting impact.
  68. [~1919-1945] who was adolf hitler. how did he go from criminal to leader of germany? who were his supporters?
  69. [1921] discuss benito mussolini and the formation of the national fascist party.
  70. [1921] explore the causes and aftereffects of the coup d’état in iran (persia).
  71. [1922] what is the significance of the washington naval treaty? why did it fail in its goals?
  72. [1922] why was egyptian independence only part of the story? discuss the suez canal and the lasting impact of egyptian politics of the time.
  73. [1922] what was the lasting impact of the march on rome? discuss its significance then and today in italy.
  74. [1922] discuss the formation of the union of soviet socialist republics.
  75. [1923] what were the aftereffects of the great kanto earthquake? give specific examples from multiple aspects of society.
  76. [1923] discuss the formation of the walt disney company and its lasting impacts on world society and popular culture.
  77. [1923] explore the timeline leading to and resulting from the beer hall putsch.
  78. [1921-1923] discuss inflation in the weimar republic giving specific and detailed examples and their lasting impacts on german and european history.
  79. [~1924] explore the relationship between vladimir lenin, leon trotsky and joseph stalin.
  80. [~1923] who was kemal atatürk? discuss the end of the caliphate and the formation of modern turkey using specific examples.
  81. [1908-1932] what is the significance to world history of the formation of the federal bureau of investigation?
  82. [1924] what was the lasting impact of the immigration act?
  83. [1923] who was john logie baird? discuss the rise of television and its lasting impact on popular culture.
  84. [~1900-2000] what did television contribute to the potential for populism and propaganda in the twentieth century?
  85. [1927] what is the lasting significance of charles lindbergh’s solo nonstop flight from new york to paris?
  86. [1928] who was hassan al-banna? discuss the significance of the muslim brotherhood.
  87. [1928] what was the kellogg-briand pact? why was it signed and how did it fail to keep the peace? was this predictable?
  88. [1928] what is the cultural impact of mickey mouse? is this significant for history?
  89. [1929] discuss the exile of leon trotsky and its significance foreshadowing events in russia.
  90. [1929-1939] explore the causes, timeline and aftereffects of the great depression.
  91. [1930] discuss the salt march.
  92. [1931] explore the writing and adoption of the star-spangled banner as national anthem. what is its significance and why did it take so long to go from composition to adoption?
  93. [1931] discuss the death toll and lasting impact on culture and policy of the deadly chinese floods of 1931.
  94. [1931] explore the timeline and aftereffects of the invasion of manchuria. discuss the actions of the japanese military compared to those reported at home and how this foreshadowed future japanese military expansion and tactics.
  95. [~1931] who was mao zedong? discuss the declaration of the chinese soviet republic, the formation of the people’s republic of china and the legacy of “mao zedong thought”.
  96. [1932] discuss the emu war and its lasting impact on australia.
  97. [1933] what is significant about japanese withdrawal from the league of nations? discuss this from military, political and racial perspectives.
  98. [1933-1936] what was the new deal? how can its success or failure be measured and interpreted?
  99. [1934] discuss the “night of the long knives”.
  100. [1934-1935] explore the timeline and impact of the long march.
  101. [1935] why is the change in name from “persia” to “iran” significant from a historical perspective?
  102. [1935]discuss the nuremberg racial laws.
  103. [1935-1937] what was the impact of the second italo-ethiopian war?
  104. [1936-1939] explore the timeline of the spanish civil war from the perspective of its impact on europe.
  105. [1936-1939] discuss the arab revolt in palestine. is this antisemitism or something else?
  106. [1937-1945] explore the context and popular narrative compared to the historical reality of the japanese invasion of china.
  107. [1937] discuss the nanjing massacre.
  108. [1938] explore the causes and aftereffects of the anschluss.
  109. [1938] discuss the impact of the evian conference and its decision to reject jewish refugees.
  110. [1938] discuss the munich agreement. what are its lessons for history? have they been learned?
  111. [1938] what was kristallnacht?
  112. [1938] why did time magazine make adolf hitler man of the year? were they wrong?
  113. [1939] discuss the significance of the molotov-ribbentrop pact.
  114. [1939-1940] explore the timeline of the german invasion of poland and its aftereffects until the fall of paris.
  115. [1940] discuss the katyn massacre and its impact on later polish history.
  116. [1940-1941] what was the impact of the battle of britain? discuss with specific details and explore its popular culture treatment from then to today.
  117. [1941] why did hitler invade the soviet union? discuss its aftereffects.
  118. [1941] explore the timeline leading to and resulting from the japanese attack on pearl harbor.
  119. [1942] discuss the battles of the coral sea and midway.
  120. [1942] what was the significance of the battles of el alamein?
  121. [1941-1945] why were japanese citizens interned in the united states? what was internment’s impact on japanese-american relations from then to today?
  122. [1942-1946] what was the manhattan project?
  123. [1942-1943] discuss the battle of stalingrad from the perspective of historical truth and popular culture portrayal within russia and elsewhere to today.
  124. [1943] what happened in the warsaw ghetto uprising?
  125. [1943] discuss the outcomes of the tehran conference. did these leaders trust each other then or at any point during the war? what was the result of this dynamic between the leaders?
  126. [1943] explore the reasons for and outcomes of the bengal famine.
  127. [~1944] who was norman borlaug? discuss the green revolution and its impact from then to today.
  128. [1941-1944] was victory in the siege of leningrad worth the million deaths it brought with it? discuss a position and alternative outcomes.
  129. [1943-1945] discuss colossus and its impact on later culture, science and popular thought.
  130. [1944] explore the timeline leading to and resulting from the invasion of normandy.
  131. [1945] what happened at the yalta conference?
  132. [1945] discuss the firebombing of dresden.
  133. [1941-1945] explore one aspect of the lasting impact of the holocaust from a specific position with detailed examples.
  134. [1945] what was the outcome of the potsdam conference?
  135. [1945] why was the united nations different from the league of nations? discuss its formation.
  136. [1945-] is the united nations useful? justify your position with specific examples from its foundation to today.
  137. [1945] did the atomic bombings of japanese cities end the second world war or was the threat of soviet invasion the deciding factor? justify your position with specific examples.
  138. [1945] what was the reason for the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki?
  139. [1932-1945] discuss “comfort women“.
  140. [1941-1945] discuss the final period of the war between japan and the united states with specific examples. how does the historical reality differ from the popular culture portrayal of these events in both countries from then to today?
  141. [1912] discuss the events leading to and resulting from the fez massacre.
  142. [~1900-1945] discuss the significance of the jewish pograms of the early twentieth century.
  143. [1929] explore the historical significance of the safed massacre.
  144. [1940-1944] discuss the importance of the vichy regime and its impact on different groups within french society.
  145. [1945] explore the timeline and significance of the battle of okinawa from the perspective of two mutuallyincomprehensible doctrines and cultures.