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homelearninghistorysample questionsunit 6 – industrialization (1765-1894)

unit 6 – industrialization (1765-1894)

this section covers from the american revolution to the first sino-japanese war and first world war.

  1. [1768-1780] discuss the impact of james cook’s expeditions to australia and new zealand.
  2. [1769-1773] explore the causes and impacts of the great bengal famine.
  3. how did the “boston massacre” become treated as a significant event with so few killed? what was its lasting impact on relations between colonies and european powers?
  4. [1769-1833] what was the significance of the spanish missions in california?
  5. [1771] discuss the importance of the moscow plague riot.
  6. [~1770-1840] explore the smuggling of opium to china by the east india company and its lasting impact from then to today.
  7. [1773] discuss the boston tea party from one specific viewpoint (political, military, cultural, societal, popular culture, etc).
  8. [1765-1791] explore the timeline of the american revolution using specific examples and discuss their individual significance to future events.
  9. [1776-1789] discuss the declaration of independence and/or the american constitution from one specific historical perspective (political, military, popular culture, etc) from its writing and signing to today.
  10. [1779-1879] what is the significance of the xhosa wars?
  11. [1780-1782] what was the importance of túpac amaru ii’s rebellion?
  12. [1783] discuss the significance of the invention of the hot-air balloon.
  13. [1786-1795] explore the timeline and impacts of the northwest indian war with specific examples from multiple geographic regions.
  14. [~1682-] discuss the quakers and their lasting impact on culture in america.
  15. [1789-1797] who was george washington? discuss his life in terms of its lasting impact on society and culture and how its historical reality differs from its portrayal in popular culture.
  16. * [1789-1799] explore the timeline and lasting impacts of the french revolution.
  17. [1789-1799] discuss the significance of the french revolution to a specific region outside france (united states of america, canada, england, etc).
  18. [1791] plot the timeline leading to and resulting from the canada act. discuss its impact on canada to today.
  19. [1791-1804] discuss the haitian revolution using specific examples and plot its significance to the following century.
  20. * [1803-1815] who was napoleon bonaparte? explore the napoleonic conquests from a cultural, societal, political or military perspective.
  21. [1803-1814] how does the popular portrayal of napoleon bonaparte differ from its historical reality?
  22. [1794-1816] explore the timeline and results of the hawkesbury and nepean wars.
  23. [1795] discuss the marseillaise and its cultural significance from the time of its adoption as the national anthem to today.
  24. * [1796] discuss the impact of edward jenner’s smallpox vaccine.
  25. [1794-1802] explore the causes and aftereffects of the white lotus rebellion.
  26. [1793-1799] discuss the significance of the assassination of tukuʻaho and the civil war in tonga.
  27. [1801] who was giuseppe piazzi? what is the importance of the discovery of ceres?
  28. [~1789] discuss the significance to american and international history of alexander hamilton and/or thomas jefferson and compare their historical realities with popular narratives from their time to today (examine either one in detail or both in tandem).
  29. [1801] what is the significance of the concordat?
  30. [1787] what was the lasting impact of william symington’s steam boat for american culture and commerce?
  31. [1803] discuss the louisiana purchase.
  32. [1811-1818] discuss wahhabism from a historical perspective using specific examples including the capture of mecca and medina.
  33. [1804] what is the significance of haitian independence from france?
  34. [1803-1806] discuss the expedition of meriwether lewis and william clark.
  35. [1802] was the development of the steam-powered train significant at the time? plot its impact on history from then to today.
  36. [1804] discuss the significance of morphine and its related drugs to history from its first isolation to today.
  37. [1805] plot the timeline leading to and resulting from the battle of trafalgar.
  38. [1830] who was joseph smith? discuss the formation and lasting impact of mormonism.
  39. [1805-1848] who was mohammed ali? explore the progression of egypt through its nineteenth-century modernization.
  40. [1805] discuss the lasting impact of the treaty of pressburg.
  41. [1804-1808] what was the significance then and today of ludwig van beethoven’s fifth symphony?
  42. [1810-1821] explore the timeline and historical significance of the mexican war of independence.
  43. [1812-1815] discuss the result of the war of 1812 in terms of its impact on native populations.
  44. [1751-1837] explore the timeline of the afghan-sikh wars and trace their lasting significance to today.
  45. [1814] who was elisha collier? discuss the impact of the flintlock revolver.
  46. [1814-1815] what happened at the congress of vienna and why does it still matter?
  47. * [1815] discuss the battle of waterloo and its lasting impact on culture and popular media.
  48. [1815-1816] explore the impact of the eruption of mount tambora and the year without a summer.
  49. [1816-1828] who was shaka kasenzangakhona? discuss the impact of the zulu kingdom.
  50. [~1820] what is the lasting significance of the first expeditions to antarctica?
  51. [~1821-1847] discuss the formation of liberia.
  52. [~1760-1840] explore the industrial revolution from the perspective of child labor, cultural shift, urbanization, poverty or gender norms.
  53. [1821] discuss the impact of the treaty of córdoba.
  54. [1824-1885] discuss the anglo-burmese wars and their impact from then to today.
  55. [1823] what was the monroe doctrine? how did it foreshadow later american policy?
  56. [1825] who were the decembrists? explore the timeline and lasting impact of the decembrist revolt.
  57. [1825-1828] discuss the cisplatine war and the independence of uruguay.
  58. [1825-1830] what is the importance of the java war to its time both for the dutch and javanese natives? how does this differ from how it is portrayed today in popular culture?
  59. [~1823] trace the significance of the internal combustion engine from its invention to today from the perspective of commerce, popular culture, politics or military.
  60. [~1825-1832] discuss the black war in tasmania.
  61. [1832] what is the lasting impact of the invention of the electric motor? explore its development and significance from a specific historical perspective.
  62. [1830] discuss the indian removal act from the perspective of the time and its lasting significance to today.
  63. [1830] discuss the july revolution in france. how does it compare both in reality and in its popular portrayal with the first french revolution?
  64. [1830-1831] explore the timeline and significance of the november uprising.
  65. [1830] what was the significance of the belgian revolution to europe and africa?
  66. [1830-1848] what is the lasting impact of the french invasion and occupation of algeria?
  67. [1831-1859] who was charles darwin? discuss his time on the beagle and subsequent publication of on the origin of species.
  68. [1838-1859] what was the impact of the theory of evolution on history at the time? trace its impact from then to today from one specific aspect of history (culture, religion, politics, education, etc).
  69. [1836] discuss the battle of the alamo and compare its military and historical significance to its portrayal and understanding in popular culture and modern colloquial discussion.
  70. [~1836] who was samuel colt? discuss the impact of the revolver on history and popular culture from then to today.
  71. [~1832-1837] what was the significance of the telegraph? explore its impact on history using specific examples from at least three geographic locations.
  72. [1837-1901] explore the timeline and cultural impact of the victorian era either within england or elsewhere in the world.
  73. [1831-1842] discuss the trail of tears and its lasting significance.
  74. [1839-1860] plot the timeline leading to and resulting from the opium wars.
  75. [1839-1860] how did the opium wars foreshadow modern chinese relations with the west?
  76. [~1836] discuss the significance of the oregon trail. compare its history with its popular perceptions today.
  77. [1840] discuss the treaty of waitangi and its lasting impact on native-white relations.
  78. [1842] explore the timeline and aftereffects of the treaty of nanking.
  79. [1844] who was sayyed ʻalí muḥammad shírází? what is the historical significance of baháʼí?
  80. [1844] discuss the cultural significance of “the great disappointment”.
  81. [1844] what is the lasting impact of the extinction of the great auk?
  82. * [1845-1852] explore the significance from then to today of the irish great famine.
  83. [1847-1901] discuss the timeline and impact of the caste war of yucatán.
  84. [1848] what was the significance at the time of the communist manifesto? trace its impact from then to today for one specific geographic area.
  85. [1848-1855] discuss the california gold rush using specific examples of its impact on areas outside california.
  86. [1850-1864] explore the significance and aftereffects of the taiping rebellion.
  87. [1853] who was william wells brown? what was the lasting importance of the publication of the first novel by a black author?
  88. [1853-1856] explore the timeline and significance of the crimean war.
  89. [1853-1854] who was commodore matthew perry? what was the impact of the american arrival in japan and the convention of kanagawa? discuss from the perspectives of japan, america and east-asia.
  90. [1856] discuss the impact of the bessemer process.
  91. [1855] who was friedrich gaedcke? explore the history of cocaine from a specific perspective (legal, military, economic, cultural, penal, musical, etc) with specific examples from at least three widely-separated time periods.
  92. [1856] discuss the significance of oil refining and explore its history from the building of the first refinery to today from the perspective of politics, economics, culture, trade, warfare, religion or environmentalism.
  93. [1829-1872] what was the impact of the discovery of neanderthals? how does the reality of the discovery compare to the popular ideas present today?
  94. [1858-1947] discuss the impact of the british empire in india from 1858 to indian independence and how this has shaped both indian and european culture today.
  95. [1859-1869] explore the significance from then to today of the construction of the suez canal.
  96. [1860-1861] discuss the formation and lasting impact of the pony express.
  97. [1861-1865] trace the timeline from its causes to its aftereffects of the american civil war.
  98. [~1863] explore the idea of emancipation including its motivations and cultural impacts. concentrate on specific examples.
  99. [1863] who was victor hugo? what is the lasting impact of les misérables?
  100. [1863] explore the impact of the international red cross from its beginning to today.
  101. [1864] what is the significance of the first geneva convention? has that significance remained?
  102. [1861-1865] discuss the historical reality of robert lee and ulysses grant compared to their modern popular perceptions.
  103. [1865] explore the lasting cultural impact of abraham lincoln’s assassination.
  104. [1868] discuss modernization during the meiji restoration and its lasting impact in japan and elsewhere in east-asia.
  105. [1863-1869] what is the significance of the construction of the first transcontinental railroad? how has that significance changed since?
  106. [1869] who was dmitri mendeleev? discuss the importance of the periodic table of elements to science at the time and its lasting impact on science and education.
  107. * [1871] who was otto von bismarck? explore the timeline of german unification and its motives and impacts on europe.
  108. [1871-] how does the process of german unification foreshadow nazi (1930s-1940s) and russian aggression and expansion (2010s-2020s)?
  109. [1871-1872] discuss the 1871-1872 persian famine.
  110. [1872] explore the creation of national parks in the united states and its impact on popular culture and native-white relations.
  111. [~1873-] trace the impact of blue-jeans on society of the time to its lasting significance in culture and society to today.
  112. [1870-1922] discuss irish home rule using specific examples.
  113. [1875-1900] discuss the 1875-1900 indian famine from its causes to its lasting impact on politics, culture and the economy.
  114. who was general george custer? examine the impact of the battle of the little bighorn and compare its historical reality to popular culture interpretations of its significance.
  115. [1877] discuss the significance of the great railroad strike.
  116. [~1840-1877] who was crazy horse? discuss his life and death and his impact on native and white culture from his time to today.
  117. [1847-1943] examine the impact of thomas edison and/or nikola tesla on science, culture and economics of their time? trace their significance from then to today.
  118. [1880-1902] discuss the boer wars using specific examples of their impact both in and outside the region.
  119. [1881] who was sitting bull? discuss the gunfight at the ok corral and its impact on history. compare this historical reality to its popular culture perceptions today.
  120. [1881-1882] compare the results of the jules ferry laws with education systems in two regions with significantly different approaches today.
  121. [1884] what was the impact of hiram maxim’s machine gun on warfare and politics of the time?
  122. [~1881-1914] discuss the “scramble for africa” in terms of its impacts at the time and today.
  123. [1885] who was louis pasteur? discuss the creation and impact of rabies vaccination.
  124. [~1844-1851] what was the impact of the modern sewing machine on women’s independence and equality in the west?
  125. [1885] discuss the causes and impact of the rock springs massacre.
  126. [1887] explore the cultural impact from then to today of the creation of fictional character sherlock holmes.
  127. [1887-1889] who was gustave eiffel? what was the significance then of the building of the eiffel tower? has that significance changed over time?
  128. [1853-1890] who was vincent van gogh? what was his lasting impact on history, culture and the economics of art?
  129. [1890] discuss the events leading to and resulting from the wounded knee massacre.
  130. [~1892] what was the significance of fingerprinting being adopted? give specific examples of its relevance to history.
  131. [1892] who was john froelich? what was the impact on agriculture and economics of the time of the invention of the gasoline tractor?
  132. [~1890-] what was the significance at the time of the invention of moving-picture film? trace its significance from then to today from one perspective (culture, society, history, politics, race, gender, etc).
  133. [1894-1906] who was alfred dreyfus? discuss justice and antisemitism and map its trajectory from then to today in the west using examples from at least three countries or time periods.