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homelearninghistorysample questionsunit 5 – trade & exploration (1492-1765)

unit 5 – trade & exploration (1492-1765)

this section covers from western-hemisphere colonization to the american revolution.

  1. [1497-1499] what is the significance of vasco da gama’s return voyage to india?
  2. [1492] discuss the events leading to and resulting from the alhambra decree from the perspective of the time and modern antisemitism.
  3. [1501-1504] what is the lasting impact of michelangelo’s david in the history of art and popular culture from then to today?
  4. [1469-1539] who was guru nanak? what is his lasting legacy?
  5. [1452-1519] discuss the importance of the inventions and writings of leonardo da vinci using specific examples from his time and later history.
  6. [1501] discuss the reunification of iran and its impact on the following centuries.
  7. * [1502-] discuss the timeline and impact of slavery in the americas.
  8. [~1500-1529] who was malinche? compare the reality of her life with her popular culture legacy in the americas today.
  9. * [1483-1546] who was martin luther? discuss his actions and lasting impact focusing on one specific aspect of history.
  10. [~1520-] what was the impact of smallpox in the western hemisphere?
  11. [1473-1481] discuss the significance of the sistine chapel in its historical reality and modern popular-culture understanding.
  12. [1543] who was nicolaus copernicus? what is the significance of his heliocentric model?
  13. [1532] what is the lasting impact of niccolò machiavelli’s the prince?
  14. [1514] discuss the massacre of shia muslims by selim i.
  15. [1516-1517] what is the significance of the defeat of the mamluks by the otomans?
  16. [1518] explore the lasting impact of the treaty of london.
  17. [1519-1521] discuss using specific examples the conquests of hernán cortés. explore the linguistic nuance in his meeting with moctezuma ii leading to spanish forces’ decisions and actions in the americas.
  18. [1520-1566] what is the lasting impact of suleiman the magnificent?
  19. [1523] discuss swedish independence from the kalmar union.
  20. [1527] what is the impact of the sack of rome and the end of the italian renaissance?
  21. [1526-1857] discuss the timeline of the rise, conquests and fall of the mughal empire.
  22. [1529] explore the timeline of the siege of vienna and its lasting results for the centuries to follow in europe.
  23. [1529-1532] discuss the inca civil war with specific examples.
  24. [1534] what is the significance of henry viii’s founding of the church of england? are its results still visible today?
  25. [1532-1572] who was francisco pizarro? explore the timeline and results of the spanish conquest of the inca empire.
  26. [1534] who was jacques cartier? discuss the french acquisition of canada and the aftereffects of french and english conflict in france there and elsewhere outside europe.
  27. [1537] what is the lasting impact of the translation of the king james bible to the culture of the centuries that followed?
  28. [1540] discuss the significance of the creation and expansion of the society of jesus.
  29. [1545] explore the timeline and lasting importance of the council of trent.
  30. [~1548] discuss the events leading to, during and resulting from the hai jin laws and wokou wars.
  31. [1550] discuss the siege of beijing and altan khan’s incursions into china.
  32. [1562-1598] explore the timeline of the french wars of religion and discuss their lasting impact on france.
  33. [1564-1642] who was galileo galilei? what is his lasting impact on culture and science?
  34. [1564-1616] discuss the significance of william shakespeare in western culture.
  35. [1569] who was gerardus mercator? what is the lasting impact of his map from his time to the present?
  36. [1571] discuss the formation of the holy league. why was it formed and what was the result?
  37. [1571] what was the lasting impact of the native attack against spanish missionaries in jamestown?
  38. [1572] discuss the events leading to, during and resulting from the st bartholomew’s day massacre.
  39. [1573-1574] explore the timeline and results of the siege of leiden.
  40. [1575] what is the significance of the fall of the nagashima fortress to oda nobunaga?
  41. [1577-1580] discuss the lasting impact of francis drake’s circumnavigation of the planet.
  42. [1579] examine the timeline of the union of utrecht and its aftereffects.
  43. [1582] discuss the significance of the gregorian calendar using specific examples.
  44. [1584-1585] explore the impacts of the siege of antwerp.
  45. [1590] discuss the siege of odawara and unification of japan in terms of its impact within the country and for east asia using specific examples.
  46. [1598] what was the result of the edict of nantes? discuss its impact until the revolution.
  47. [1548-1600] who was giordano bruno? what was the lasting impact of his work?
  48. [1601-1603] trace the events leading to and resulting from the russian famine of 1601-1603.
  49. [1602] what is the significance of matteo ricci’smap of the myriad countries of the world“? trace its impact from its creation to today.
  50. [1588-1672] discuss the dutch golden age using specific examples including the creation of the dutch east india company.
  51. [1603-1867] what is the long-term impact of the edo period?
  52. [1603] discuss the progression from elizabeth i of england to james vi of scotland and its significance for the development of europe.
  53. [1605] what was the gunpowder plot? trace its reality and inclusion in popular culture from its time to today.
  54. [1606] trace the progression leading to and resulting from the treaty of vienna.
  55. [~1600] what was the “time of troubles” in russia? give specific examples of its significance both within and outside russian territory.
  56. [1607] discuss the significance at the time and later, both in reality and popular culture notions, of the permanent settlement at jamestown.
  57. [1609-1635] explore the timeline of the creation of the catholic league.
  58. [1618-1648] why was the thirty-years war more devastating to europe than other wars of the period?
  59. [~1614] discuss the importance of the publication of john napier’s table of logarithms.
  60. [1618-1683] explore the timeline and aftereffects of the manchu invasion of china.
  61. [1620] why was the arrival of the mayflower significant in history? how was it able to capture popular imagination in a way other settlers had not?
  62. [1603-1867] what is the significance of the “locked period” of japan? what was its impact in the country and on the rest of east-asia?
  63. [1637] who was rené descartes? discuss the significance of the publication of the discourse on method.
  64. [1641] explore the timeline, causes and results of the irish rebellion.
  65. [1643-1715] discuss the reign of louis xiv and compare its historical reality with its popular understanding today.
  66. [1617-1682] who was ngawang lobsang gyatso? what was the significance of his consolidation of power in tibet as a theocracy? what is his lasting legacy for the region?
  67. [1648] discuss the peace of westphalia and its impacts using specific examples from at least four geographic areas.
  68. [~1668] who was francesco redi? discuss his attack on the theory of spontaneous generation and its impact on future science and culture.
  69. [~1563-1721] explore the rise of sweden and the northern wars using specific examples.
  70. [1632-1653] what is the significance of the building of the taj mahal by shah jahan? discuss specific examples of its lasting impact on culture.
  71. [1642-1661] discuss the life and power of cardinal jules mazarin.
  72. [1665] who was robert hooke? explore the discovery of cells and its impact on science, culture and religion from then to today.
  73. [1665-1666] discuss the significance of the great plague and great fire in london and plot the impact of their proximity.
  74. [1683-1699] discuss the great turkish war with specific examples demonstrating its impact outside turkey.
  75. [1670] what was the significance of the hudson’s bay company?
  76. [1678-1679] explore the timeline and lasting impact of the treaty of nijmegen.
  77. [1680] discuss the pueblo revolt and explore its lasting impact on popular culture.
  78. [1682-1725] who was peter the great? what is the relationship between his life and his persona in modern culture and popular media.
  79. [1687] what is the significance of isaac newton’s philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica? plot its lasting impact on one area of history (science, culture, politics, religion, etc).
  80. [1683] discuss the timeline and lasting significance of the siege of vienna.
  81. [1685] what is the significance of the edict of fontainebleau?
  82. [1683] discuss the importance at the time and the lasting impact of china’s annexation of taiwan.
  83. [1689] explore the treaty of nerchinsk and discuss the ongoing relationship between china and russia. explore the result of that border today from a historical context.
  84. [1690] what was the significance for europe and north america of the battle of the boyne?
  85. [1692-1693] discuss the impact of the salem witch trials at the time and through the centuries that followed to today. compare their historical reality with multiple popular portrayals.
  86. [1692-1694] explore the lasting impact of the famine in france.
  87. [1695-1697] discuss the events leading to and resulting from the finnish famine.
  88. [~1698-] why was the steam engine embraced and significant in the west after centuries of being no more than of trivial interest in the east?
  89. [1700-1721] discuss the specific events and lasting impact of the great northern war between russia and sweden.
  90. [~1700] explore the timeline and aftereffects of the founding of the ashanti empire.
  91. [1701-1714] discuss in detail the war of the spanish succession and why it was not limited to spain.
  92. [1702] what led to the forty-seven ronin incident and what was its lasting impact on politics and culture?
  93. * [~1526-] trace the progression of coffee in the west from its first appearance to today.
  94. [1716-1799] discuss the creation and impact of the sikh confederacy.
  95. [1715-1723] who was philippe d’orleans? discuss the state of french debt at the beginning of his rule. what was his lasting impact on france and the rest of europe?
  96. [1723] was the abolition of slavery in russia significant or are serfs slaves by another name? explore using specific examples.
  97. [1732] discuss the treaty of constantinople and its lasting significance to relations between russia, turkey and iran today.
  98. [~1735] who were charles and john wesley? discuss the significance of methodism from then to today and its impact on culture and society in both europe and north america.
  99. [1730-1755] discuss the first great awakening with specific examples from multiple colonies.
  100. [1738-1756] discuss the causes and impact of the sahel famine.
  101. [1739] explore the timeline and lasting significance of the battle of karnal.
  102. * [1740-1786] who was frederick the great? plot the trajectory of his life and its significance for history from his time to today.
  103. [1742] what is the importance of marvel’s mill? discuss the rise of water power in the context of mechanical processes at the time. was it a significant shift in culture as well as technology?
  104. [1727] who was mohammed bin saud al muqrin? discuss the formation of saudi arabia and its lasting impact.
  105. [~1650] explore the significance of the “little ice age”.
  106. [1756-1763] what was the importance of the seven years’ war both in europe and north america?
  107. [1757] what was the lasting impact of the battle of plassey and the shift of english power in india from commercial to political?
  108. [1765] discuss the stamp act and its aftereffects.