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homelearninghistorysample questionsunit 4 – interconnections (1054-1492)

unit 4 – interconnections (1054-1492)

this section covers from the great schism to european contact with the americas.

  1. [1066] plot the trajectory leading to and resulting from the battle of hastings.
  2. [1095-1291] to what extent were the eleventh-century crusades related to religion? discuss other motives using specific examples.
  3. [1109] what is the significance of the battle of hundsfeld? to what extent does it foreshadow later events? give specific examples and show connections from the eleventh century to otto von bismarck and the unification of germany.
  4. [1095-1291] why did the crusades of the eleventh century target the holy land?
  5. [1119-1312] who are “the poor fellow-soldiers of christ and of the temple of solomon“? discuss their formation, impact and cultural aftermath.
  6. [1443] discuss the trajectory, creation and legacy of the creation of hangul.
  7. [~1234] what are the significance and impact of the development of movable-type printing in korea and china?
  8. [1125-1127] trace the events leading to and resulting from the jingkang incident? is there a lasting significance today?
  9. [~1120] what was the impact of peter abelard’s sic et non? map its significance through the centuries that followed to today.
  10. [~1159] discuss the creation of the hanseatic league and its lasting impacts. to what extent did it foreshadow alliances and trade agreements centuries later? is the european union of the twentieth century a direct descendent?
  11. [1174] what is the significance of the battle of alnwick? was the resulting unification of the british isles relevant to the outside world at the time or later? justify your position using specific examples from the period and later in history.
  12. [~1175] plot the trajectory of the founding of pure land buddhism and discuss its impact on both religious and secular history at the time. what was the lasting result of the creation of this movement in the decades and centuries that followed its founding? is sectarian buddhism still relevant today?
  13. [~-1415] what was the lasting impact of the development of linear perspective in art?
  14. [~1100] what was the significance of gerard of cremona and the translation into latin of arabic texts? discuss the impact of these translations for the following centuries.
  15. [~1231] discuss the papal inquisitions using specific examples across europe.
  16. [1180-1185] map the trajectory of the taira-minamoto conflicts from their beginning to the battle of dan no ura and discuss the lasting impact of the results.
  17. [1187] who was saladin? discuss the conquest of jerusalem and the decisions he made leading to and directly following its defeat.
  18. [1189-1192] why did the third crusade occur?
  19. [~794-] discuss the creation of the position of shogun and its impact through history until its abolition.
  20. [~202bce-1190] explore the history of the magnetic compass from its beginnings in china to its adoption in europe. what was the impact of western-european adoption?
  21. [1204] what was the significance of the sack of constantinople during the fourth crusade? discuss its lasting impact on the byzantine empire?
  22. [1206-1502] who was genghis khan? what was the significance of the mongol empire to the world at the time? discuss its lasting impact using specific examples.
  23. [1205] what was the lasting impact of the battle of adrianople on the byzantine empire?
  24. [1209-1229] discuss the albigensian crusade. who were the albigensians and what were their stated beliefs? what was the lasting impact of the crusade?
  25. [1209] what is the significance of the quotation “caedite eos. novit enim dominus qui sunt eius.”? discuss its history, motivation and impact from military, political and cultural perspectives.
  26. [1213-1215] discuss the impact of the fourth lateran council. to what extent did it foreshadow the events of the holocaust and antisemitism of today?
  27. [~1200-1400] discuss the timeline and lasting impact of the mongol invasion of northern asia and eastern europe with specific examples.
  28. [1258] plot the trajectory leading to and resulting from the siege of baghdad.
  29. [1279] who was kublai khan? discuss the impact of the battle of yamen.
  30. [786-1258] what is the significance of the islamic golden age? compare its goals and results with modern islamic nationalism.
  31. [1297] what was the impact of the battle of sterling bridge? discuss its cultural significance then and in the centuries that followed including today.
  32. [1299] discuss the founding of the ottoman empire and its lasting impact through its existence.
  33. [1254-1324] who was marco polo? what was his impact on his time and later history? how does his actual history compare with how he is portrayed in popular culture and literature?
  34. [1307] what is the significance of friday, october 13, 1307?
  35. [1309-1376] discuss the babylonian captivity. what were its lasting impacts on europe and asia?
  36. [1314] what is the significance of the battle of bannockburn? how does the reality of the event compare to popular depictions of it through the centuries that followed?
  37. [~1200-1427] discuss the importance of teotihuacan.
  38. [1333-1336] what is the significance of the kenmu restoration?
  39. [1337-1453] map the trajectory of the hundred years war. what differentiates this period from other conflicts between france and england?
  40. [1346-1353] discuss the lasting impact of the black death. what led to its outbreak? what can we learn from this pandemic?
  41. [~1206-1331] discuss the pax mongolica and the impact of its beginning and end.
  42. [1521] discuss the fall of tenochtitlan.
  43. [1370-1857] who was tamerlane? what was the immediate and lasting impact of the timurid dynasty on neighboring areas? did this have significance for the world outside the islamic states?
  44. [1392-1897] what led to the founding of the joseon dynasty? what was the lasting impact in the region of its creation and continued existence? discuss using specific examples.
  45. [1396] what was the significance of the battle of nicopolis? what was the impact on western europe of the end of the crusades?
  46. [1397] discuss the creation of the kalmar union. to what extent is its legacy still present today?
  47. [1403-1433] who was zheng he? discuss the significance of the chinese naval exploration voyages using specific examples.
  48. [1415-1420] discuss the significance of the battle of agincourt and the treaty of troyes. explore their significance to later culture in europe.
  49. [1428] what was the lasting impact of the defeat of azcapotzalco? does the shift in recorded history resulting from the elimination of glyphic writing have an impact on modern interpretations of mesoamerican identity?
  50. [1412-1431] who was joan of arc? discuss her significance to the time and in later history including her presence in popular culture through the following centuries, giving specific examples.
  51. [~1513-1610] who were the medicis? discuss their significance to the time and in popular culture later.
  52. [1438-1533] what was the importance of the rise of the inca to culture in mesoamerica?
  53. [1436-1450] what is the significance of the adoption of the printing press in europe? compare this impact with its earlier importance in china, korea and japan. why is the difference so significant?
  54. [1455-1487] discuss the timeline and aftereffects of the wars of the roses.
  55. [~1485] who was king arthur and what is the significance of his existence in culture to practical history and the creation of aristocratic and royal identity in the centuries following his popularity in literature?
  56. [1492] what is the significance of christopher columbus’ arrival in the western hemisphere? discuss using specific examples and focus on one particular sphere of influence (military, academic, political, racial, etc).