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homelearninghistorysample questionsunit 2 – age of empires (550bce-570ce)

unit 2 – age of empires (550bce-570ce)

this section covers from the first persian empire to the birth of the prophet mohammed.

  1. discuss the rise and significance of the achaemenid empire.
  2. what is the importance of the defeat of lydia under croesus?
  3. explore the timeline leading to and resulting from the declaration of democracy in athens.
  4. discuss the major events of the warring states period and their impact on china of the time and today.
  5. who was socrates and what was his importance for the development of culture then and since? how much of his impact was/is a result of his death?
  6. what is the importance of euclid’s elements?
  7. discuss the major events of the peloponnesian war and its impact on the states of the time and modern culture through its retelling.
  8. what is the importance of monte albán?
  9. what is the significance of the number zero for the development of mathematics and engineering?
  10. why were the conquests of alexander the great different from the spread of other empires at the time?
  11. discuss the founding and timeline of the qin dynasty and its lasting impact on chinese history. what elements of qin rule are still visible in modern china?
  12. what was the impact of the death of emperor ashoka?
  13. what led to the development of paper? what did this allow chinese society to do that other cultures of the time couldn’t?
  14. discuss the maccabean revolt, its origins, timeline and lasting results using specific examples.
  15. discuss the roman conquest of greece and gaul.
  16. to what extent is christianity a roman cult with jesus as figurehead and what is the significance of its rise on the first-millennium world?
  17. explore the relationship between rome and the jews leading to and resulting from the destruction of the second temple.
  18. compare the historical julius caesar and his accomplishments to today’s popular-culture version.
  19. map the trajectory leading to and resulting from the three kingdoms period in korea. are there echoes of this history in modern korea?
  20. * who was jesus and what impact did his life have on history? compare this to the impact of his legacy as created by the early church.
  21. what happened during the year of the four emperors? why was that significant for the empire and its surroundings?
  22. * what is the significance of hadrian’s wall? is this dividing line still relevant?
  23. why was the chinese three kingdoms period so destructive? what was its result?
  24. discuss the first council of nicea and its impact on history both at the time and today.
  25. what does the sack of rome tell us about the romans, the visigoths and the stability of language?
  26. discuss the timeline and significance of the division of the roman empire.
  27. why was the translation of the christian bible into latin significant at the time? what are its still-visible results today?
  28. discuss the impact of augustine of hippo using specific historical examples.
  29. what was the significance of the cities of tik’al and teotihuacán? is there a lasting impact of their existence?
  30. discuss the legal code of justinian i and its impact on later history.
  31. what was the lasting result of the founding of the iona monastery and rise of christianity in the british isles?
  32. discuss the historical place of the jews in roman society compared to its portrayal in the torah.