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homelearninghistorysample questionsgeneral questions

general questions

these questions are more general and span more than one period of history.

  1. select any two physical locations during a single period in history and discuss the daily life of an average person giving specific examples and justification for your description.
  2. explore the historical context and impact of human-caused climate change.
  3. compare the ideology and impact of any two leaders of china, the united states or the soviet union (and russia) between 1945 and today.
  4. is the death of minority languages significant from a historical perspective?
  5. where should the turning point in history be placed between prehistory and history?
  6. what is the historical defining moment of the beginning of human culture? why?
  7. * is written language necessary for history?
  8. what is the purpose of studying ancient human history?
  9. compare any two leaders of the same geographic region from two periods in history separated by at least a hundred years from a single perspective (culture, politics, society, popular culture, populism, nationalism, military, economics, etc).
  10. how has the internet shaped culture since its creation?
  11. what is the impact of technology on one specific period in history? give detailed examples and a chronology of its development.
  12. discuss one aspect of the history of writing and its impact on history and society.
  13. why are similar natural disasters so different in their impacts in countries with different cultures and socioeconomic situations? give at least three specific comparative examples.
  14. * what is the historical and cultural significance of the rise of english as a global language?
  15. explore gender roles through history in a specific location.
  16. trace the rise and fall of any commonly-spoken language (across multiple geographic regions) in its historical and cultural context.
  17. discuss one significant military development (change in technology, strategy, ideology, organization, etc) and its impact on later warfare.
  18. take the history of a country with a long and continuous history of warfare and discuss how its military history impacts its popular culture (afghanistan, the united states, myanmar, poland, russia, south korea, syria, congo, etc).
  19. why are natural disasters significant to history? give two specific examples and discuss their impacts on later events.
  20. trace the relationship between two cohabitating “races” in a specific physical location through a period of history of at least two centuries giving specific examples.
  21. select a country with a long history of being conquered (korea, afghanistan, morocco, poland, etc) and discuss how these events have shaped its culture.
  22. trace the shift through history of who decides what is “art”. what impact has this had on the development of culture?
  23. compare govenment systems during recent centuries of a major power with specific examples (china, russia, the united states, japan, germany, turkey, india, etc). discuss their successes and failures from the perspective of historical relevance.
  24. * explore the question of whether freedom is necessary for a population to experience happiness.
  25. select a developed country in the modern world and discuss the relevance of government to daily life. is it significant? compare this answer with a specific period in the distant past for the same region.
  26. what is the lasting impact of homer’s literature on later society? give specific, detailed examples from only one time period and physical location.
  27. select a leader popular culture classifies as “evil” and discuss the accuracy of that claim from a historical perspective.
  28. compare accepted conventions of warfare in the present with a specific historic period and location giving detailed examples.
  29. to what extent, if any, are international sports relevant to the study of history?
  30. discuss the history of queer rights and acceptance in a specific period of history and physical location. compare that with the same place today.
  31. has there ever been a safe time or place to be jewish? justify your answer with specific historical events.
  32. plot the rise of disposable/fast culture and its impact on history.
  33. is the development of high art relevant to the study of history or simply a side-effect of it?
  34. discuss the rise and fall of any major power in a previous age (persia, egypt, rome, mongolia, england, etc) and compare it to either the united states or china in the modern world.
  35. discuss the rise of terrorism in two different time periods.
  36. trace the death of a specific language and its impact on history and culture.
  37. have minority rights ever been historically-significant? justify your answer with specific examples.
  38. discuss a specific example of the impact of weather on history.
  39. plot the rise of the significance of popular culture to history with specific examples.
  40. * what is the historical significance of the role of the christian church in the development of art from early christianity to today?
  41. trace the spread of a language family through a period of at least one millennium with specific details.
  42. discuss the spread of buddhism from its origins with particular emphasis on the reasons for its successful penetration of multiple empires.
  43. what is the historical significance of the development of polyphony?
  44. discuss the importance of the personal automobile from its origins to today.
  45. what is the historical lesson gained from reading sophocles’ plays? how is this different from the cultural lesson?
  46. trace the significance of the horse in human civilization.
  47. select a major philosophical figure from before the common era (laozi, the buddha, confucius, aristotle, etc) and discuss their historical significance both to their time and today.
  48. discuss the difference in public awareness of history in two different time periods and explore its impact on events.
  49. discuss the extent of impact on daily life of one single mathematical or scientific discovery (calculus, laws of motion, thermodynamics, gravity, relativity, etc).
  50. discuss the significance of change in clothing on history using specific examples from a single geographic location.
  51. * how has citizens’ expectation of governments changed over time? discuss a specific geographic location through at least three separate time periods and plot a progression with detailed examples.
  52. * what is, if one exists, the historical role of organized religion or philosophy in the twenty-first century?
  53. discuss the historical significance of any artistic movement (fine arts, music, architecture, craft, etc).
  54. to what extent is urbanization responsible for human suffering?
  55. discuss the concept and impact of mutually-assured destruction in both historical and cultural terms.
  56. is there any ethical justification for the existence of a military?