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Screen Time

    Yesterday, I rewatched one of my absolute favorite movies. The English title works out to be From Up on Poppy Hill, one of the less popular releases from Japanese animation powerhouse, Studio Ghibli. (In Japanese, it’s コクリコ坂から, so it’s not a reference to drugs, just the color, by the way.)… Read More »Screen Time

    To feel or not to feel…

      In “Day 14”, I talked about the question of memorization — knowing something by heart — in response to the question of the day. But there’s another way to look at this. I know it’s not really the prompt but, having thought quite a bit about that one, I’m going… Read More »To feel or not to feel…

      Day 14

        What do you know by heart? I have always had a nightmare of a time with remembering things. It’s not that my memory doesn’t work. It works just fine in most ways. It’s about judgment. I can’t remember quotations because I automatically reword them in my head. I can think… Read More »Day 14

        Day 13

          Write about an assumption. I am many things. I am asexual and genderless. I am a believer in absolute equality and the shamefulness of ownership and possession. I am against democracy and believe that self-government is the source of much of the world’s problems and should be eliminated. I believe… Read More »Day 13

          Day 12

            What do you know that you didn’t want to know? The implication behind this one is that it’s about relationships. For me, it’s not romantic relationships that are the issue. It’s friendship. What didn’t I want to know? That most of my friends would abandon me at the slightest chance… Read More »Day 12

            Day 11

              What happened when you had control? I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced anything that could loosely be called control of a situation but the time that everyone seems to think of that way is the relationship between teacher and student. Since I’m a teacher and have taught in various environments,… Read More »Day 11