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A Question of Motive

    I have received a fairly large amount of odd comments of late on my blog posts. Some of them have been positive, which is always pleasing to see, yet a few have been intensely critical and intentionally hurtful. I really just have one question — why would anyone be so… Read More »A Question of Motive

    Day 17

      Tell me about your mother’s hands. My mother is a musician. I don’t mean she fools around on the piano and sings in the shower. She’s a serious, professionally-trained musician and started her career educating the next generation of musicians long before I was born. That’s meant some really positive… Read More »Day 17

      The Game’s a Foot

        Actually, it may be several of them. I have lately been talking about some of my favorite movies — not so much the ones that I truly love but what I recommend. So I’ve avoided talking about the ones you’ve likely already seen or that have made a huge splash… Read More »The Game’s a Foot

        Day 16

          What have you waited a long time for? Summer. Realistically, it always feels like it’s an age away. Sadly, at the moment, I find myself living in England. This is a country where winter doesn’t just last forever but is a near-endless time of darkness, since the sun comes up… Read More »Day 16

          Day 15

            What was outside your bedroom window? Snow was outside the window. We talk about the extremes of weather that have happened in the world lately and it’s definitely true — the storms we have now are more violent, more brutal, faster and stronger than they’ve ever been. But there used… Read More »Day 15

            Pacifism and Pacific Wars

              In keeping with my recent trend toward rewatching some of my favorite movies lately, last night’s relaxation was accompanied by Tora! Tora! Tora!, the 1970 production telling the story that led to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the impetus, if not the reason, why the United… Read More »Pacifism and Pacific Wars