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Day 21

    What did you find out wasn’t true? The instant answer that comes to mind is the Torah. But that’s not really the answer to anything. No, of course the story that’s told in there isn’t true. We know that. Ask any non-Orthodox (and even many Orthodox) rabbis if it’s a… Read More »Day 21


      Two thirds of the way into this, I’m going to talk a bit more about why it’s important to write every day but I shall start with something I was going to leave until the end. It’s been long enough. I mentioned at the beginning where this month-long daily writing/blogging… Read More »Gratitude

      Day 20

        Where would you start telling your story? In the beginning was the word. The word, in fact, was immigration. That may sound rather odd, since I’m not what anyone would call an immigrant. But my mother was. My father, in fact, one might say also was, since the borders of… Read More »Day 20

        Day 19

          When did you pretend not to care? Every day, I pretend not to care. I have tried many ways to express this — I am not male, I am not masculine, I don’t think like a man. But I look like one. At least, to me, I look like one… Read More »Day 19

          Day 18

            Tell me about silence. Silence is what happens when you express your love for yourself. I am happiest when it is silent. That’s when I can breathe, when I can think, when I can be happy alone. I live in an apartment. While that’s a fairly common thing to do,… Read More »Day 18

            Attack of the Hearts

              It’s Valentine’s Day. If that’s not a concept you’re familiar with, let’s summarize it for you. The name comes from a Christian saint that nobody really cares about in the least because, realistically, he didn’t do anything worth talking about and is filling out the already-massive named saints list that… Read More »Attack of the Hearts