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Day 25

    What did they say that stuck? There are a few phrases that have stuck with me throughout my entire life — some of which I have already spoken of in recent articles. When in doubt, throw it out. They all take a shit the same way you do. You shall… Read More »Day 25

    Day 24

      What meal will you always remember? As most of you have likely already surmised from my writing, I suffer from a severe mental difficulty, that I am obsessed by, consumed by and terrified by food and eating. I fight this all day every day. I can still write and teach… Read More »Day 24

      Day 23

        When did you know glory? I have done many things in my life that other people seem to think are impressive — starting university early or getting a job as a bank programmer in my teens, for example. But I don’t feel anything other than a mild sense of accomplishment… Read More »Day 23

        March Shorts

          Every writing teacher (and every writer, for that matter) will tell you that it’s far more important to write often than to write a lot. So I’m challenging you all to turn the miserable, wet month of March into a time to sit down for a half hour or an… Read More »March Shorts

          Day 22

            Which clock have you seen many times? Two clocks come to mind. The first is rather esoteric and displays in binary. That can come later. The other, though, is the one that sat on my parents’ bedside table when I was little. There was a series of them that lived… Read More »Day 22