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once a year but twice for me

    tomorrow is my thirtyninth birthday. that is not cause for celebration. after nearly two years being trapped in a place i have hated since the moment i arrived with no end in sight as world borders remain tightly shut against the twentyfirst-century plague, the result of our disrespect for animal… Read More »once a year but twice for me

    sharing a joint

      the first step to good results in furniture construction (after acquiring the wood, of course) is jointing your boards. it’s so fundamental, it was common for traditional shops to allow apprentices to do any task (and potentially make mistakes) except the seemingly-most-basic and most-labor-intensive, rough-milling the stock. while this may… Read More »sharing a joint

      all in your headache

        when someone tells you the pain you feel is all in your head, they’re being dismissive — it’s imaginary. but they’ve inadvertently told the truth. it is all in your head but it’s not artificial and it’s not thought. we’ll get to that in a moment but this raises a… Read More »all in your headache

        shooting perfection

          there are three awesome basic guides necessary for handtool woodworking. the best saw guide you’ll ever use is a flat piece of plastic with a couple of magnets in it. the best chisel guide you’ll ever use is a … flat piece of plastic with a couple of magnets in… Read More »shooting perfection

          workbench faq callout!

            so the next major project article i’m working on is about building a (large/permanent) workbench. i have a set of questions i want to answer in this article but i know some of you (mostly students but anyone else is welcome to ask) will have other questions. so fire them… Read More »workbench faq callout!