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living in the garden

    when i was a child, i spent a lot of time in a town whose name struck me as odd — paradise. even at the time, i understood this was something like wishful-thinking. it was canada so we’re talking about a frozen wasteland much of the year where staying inside… Read More »living in the garden

    tickling the shogun’s tongue

      when you think of japanese poetry, i suspect the first thing that comes to mind is the haiku — a surprisingly-modern invention in a country with more than a thousand years of formal poetic history. that being said, the haiku and its extended version, the renga, are probably the most… Read More »tickling the shogun’s tongue

      deeper within language

        the difference between art and craft is not form but purpose. art has a single reason to exist, to convey emotion, typically through a search for beauty and meaning. craft has a different one, to be functionally useful in the moment. while much art effectively tells a story and craft… Read More »deeper within language

        fuck school

          there is a problem with modern education. it is neither modern nor does it educate. this, indeed, is an issue for our society. we are creating a future where we can’t possibly do anything but regress to the darkness of our medieval, brutal past because we aren’t just forgetting the… Read More »fuck school

          a simple plane

            let’s build a smoothing-plane. this smoothing-plane, in fact… there are many, many, many ways to do this but i believe this is the simplest. a few things before we begin. this is a plane design based on a traditional smoothing-plane but it’s longer than is typical of a western plane… Read More »a simple plane